M.I.A. has never been one to hide what’s on her mind, even if it meant ruffling a few feathers. In a new interview with London’s ES Magazine, M.I.A. discussed her thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement and of course, some people weren’t here for her comments, including Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson. When […]

Dear Donald, Over 30 plus years you have been an amazing friend; endorsing my books, coming to my shows, flying me on your planes, your helicopters, and even allowing my family members and myself to stay in your house in Florida many times. So, it kinda pains me to know that my public statements about […]

A White supremacist has been convicted of plotting to build and use a radiation device to kill President Barack Obama and Muslims.

Diana Ross’ son, Evan Ross received his first starring part as Tariq in Mooz-Lum. The film deals with relations between Americans and Islamic Americans and is loosely based on director, Qasim Basir. Watch clips from the movie and from behind the scenes in the latest installment of Coming Attractions, brought to you by TheUrbanDaily and […]