The Life

Quick and easy tips to help you reach your fitness goals in the New Year.


JRSportBrief lets off his first shots of the New Year by calling out some athletes, managers and team owners on what they need to make right in 2013. Watch as he breaks it down for the Miami Heat, New York Jets and Jerry Jones of The Dallas Cowboys. RELATED: 50 Best Hip-Hop Albums Of 2012 […]

It’s almost that time to ring in the New Year. A time honored tradition is to set a list of goals and resolutions for the next 365 so Mr. Mecc asked some rappers out on their grind, B-Hamp, Emilio Rojas and Tum Tum what they had planned for the coming year. [ooyala code=”05bjl5NzodGKFR0jx-LLRVOsPrmD4X-m”] Related: Times […]

David Banner feels there’s much to be learned from some of last year’s major events, so he decided to write some resolutions for Black people in 2012. He makes three compelling points and uses sports and politics to underscore his opinion piece. Find out how the Black community can get stronger collectively in 2012 by […]