On Tuesday, Feb. 13, Officer Darren Weathers (25) died in a car crash on the southwest side of the city while doing a training exercise. Officer Weathers was only in the force for less than two years but has gained the hearts of many.

Last summer, Weathers was in the westside on a disturbance call when he noticed a bunch of young boys playing basketball with a volleyball. He stopped to do push-ups and race them. This video ended up going viral. Prior to the viral video, Weathers and his partner were on a domestic violence call when it ended up dangerous. He pulled his partner to safety after being shot in the head. This was the kind of man he was.

Sign our condolences e-card by commenting below with your name and message. We will deliver the Radio One listener e-card to Detroit Police department to show your love to the family and friends of these great heroes.

Send Condolences To Officer Darren Weathers [e-card]  was originally published on

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