While Donald Trump continues to push racial animosity, conspiracy theories and white nationalist dog whistles, Joe Biden is calling for social justice and having police officers like Rusten Shesky held accountable for excessive use of deadly force at a time when social unrest is engulfing the streets of America.

Looking to get the conversation started on a whole other level, the Presidential candidate has launched “Shop Talk” which is to serve as a weekly platform that will allow Black men to discuss racial disparities and the injustices that Black people face from authorities and law enforcement. Yesterday, Biden took to Twitter to express his disgust with the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin and said what he saw on that video made him “sick.”

Joe even expressed his support of the NBA boycott in response to the Blake shooting saying players where “using their platform for good.” Y’all know Donald Trump was somewhere calling these players out their name, just not publicly again.

The debut installment of “Shop Talk” is set to take place tonight at 7pm and will feature a roundtable discussion with the likes of Jermaine Dupri, Terrence J, Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond, and CEO Chuck CreekmurThe panel will be moderated by Milwaukee barbershop owner, Gaulien “Gee” Smith.

According to News One, “Shop Talk” had already been in the works well before the historic nomination of Kamala Harris to be the Democratic candidate for vice president. It is just one of several other campaign initiatives designed to get out the vote that are expected to be launched heading into fall.

“We always strive for authenticity when engaging our key constituency groups by meeting people where they are and facilitating spaces for empowering and forward-looking discussions. Shop Talk is one of the new Biden-Harris coalition programs that was created for Black men, and led by Director of African American Engagement Trey Baker,” Kamau Marshall told NewsOne in an email. “To have that space is an example of how our campaign is bringing likeminds together to stand up for the issues they care about the most. By selecting a state to anchor the conversation each week, we’re confident that these gatherings will energize more Black men to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — the candidates that will undoubtedly champion their safety, economic prosperity and physical and mental well-being.”

It’s gonna be an interesting few months until November’s election. Hopefully this doesn’t turn out to just be all talk and no action should Joe Biden take over the Presidency come January 2021.

Joe Biden Launches “Shop Talk” Series Aimed At Black Men Talking Social Injustice  was originally published on