Chadwick Boseman

Source: Marvel Studios / Marvel Studios

The sudden passing of Chadwick Boseman left millions of fans around the world both shocked and heartbroken, and while many comic book fans began to wonder who would take on the mantle of the Black Panther, his co-star Letitia Wright isn’t even thinking about that right now.

During a recent interview with Porter, Wright opened up about the possibility of filming a sequel to the classic comic book movie and admitted that it’s not something that’s even on her radar at the moment as she and others are still processing the passing of her “brother,” Chadwick.

“We’re just still mourning Chad, so it’s not something I even want to think about,” she says. “The thought of doing it without him is kinda strange. We’re just grieving at the moment, so it’s trying to find the light in the midst of it.”

She’s right to feel that way.

Though there’s been many rumors about how Marvel would go about producing a Black Panther sequel including using unseen footage recorded for the original to having Letitia’s character of Shuri take on the role of the title character like in the comics, truth is no one will be able to fill the vibranium shoes that T’Challa left behind. There’s even been talk of having Killmonger come back and take the throne while turning over a new leaf.

Many comic book fans have even preferred that Marvel incorporate a new Black Panther from their upcoming Multiverse into their MCU mix and let the memory of Boseman’s King of Wakanda be as is. Truth be told, that might be the best way to go about it. They can find a new T’Challa and have him create his own version of Black Panther without stepping all over the legacy that Chadwick Boseman left behind.

We guess we’ll have to wait and see how Marvel and Ryan Coogler decide to proceed with the long awaited sequel but until then all we can do is respect Letitia Wright’s feelings and thank Chadwick for a helluva career.

Rest in Power, King.

Letitia Wright Says She’s Not Thinking About Filming ‘Black Panther 2’ Right Now  was originally published on