For most Americans, when you are incompetent at your job, you are fired. Not so in the era of Trump, where you can destroy American’s lives, but as long as you are on the good sign of 45, you are safe. This is the case for Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Ben Carson. 

In case you forgot: He was accused of demoting an employee for not approving extravagant office renovations. There are accusations his family was too involved at HUD, emails proving he has lied and even reports of Carson using taxpayer money for private planes. This is just to name a few.

There have been calls for him to resign or be dismissed, especially from Sen. Elizabeth Warren who said in a Senate oversight hearing on March 23, “The biggest scandal of your tenure is your unwillingness to do your job and enforce the laws that reduce housing discrimination and segregation across this country. It is HUD’s job to help end housing discrimination—that’s what the law said. You said you would enforce these laws, you haven’t, and I think that’s the scandal that should get you fired.”

In response, Carson told,  “When you go about change, some people don’t like change. Some people are comfortable with the system and will demonize you. I experienced that in my medical career when I pushed the envelope.” In his medical career? Like when he reportedly left a sponge in someone’s brain? He continued, “If you don’t disturb things, no one is going to hoot and holler.” Well, he surely is disturbing things, like feuding with the New York City Housing Authority, ignoring  an Obama-era rule that  granted people fair housing and saying poor people are too comfortable in poverty.

On the call for him to get fired? “I have no intention of going anywhere,” Carson said. So much confidence, especially in a Trump land where the president reportedly wants to fire his own daughter.

Like Jennifer Holliday in drag, Carson basically just told everyone, “I’m not going!” And instead of “And you, you’re going to love me,” he is saying, “And you, and you, and you, you’re going to hate me!” especially if you depend on HUD’s services. Damn shame.



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The post Ben Carson Is Confident He’ll Never Get Fired From HUD appeared first on NewsOne.

Ben Carson Is Confident He’ll Never Get Fired From HUD  was originally published on

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