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In Savannah, Georgia, on the edge of Madison square sits a house with a disturbing past. The story of Sorrel Weed House is chilling, scary and its history is shrouded in horrific tales from the antebellum south.


On Thursday, Oct. 21, the group will lead a conversation putting 'me too' in context with the broader global fight to disrupt sexual and gender-based violence. And Friday, Oct. 22, is set aside as a day of celebration with joy, art, yoga, and a dance party. 


In a Twitter thread, journalist Jacquelyn Mason explained that the major narratives observed were also put in the context of broader political conversations.  


DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the NFL Players Association, tweeted Friday that revelations of private email exchanges were disrespectful to players.  


After learning the FBI was interested in his correspondence with "Person 1," Riley deleted all of his messages with the individual. He then tried to play it off as if he suddenly learned about the real nature of the individual's actions. 


Nikki Fried believes DeSantis' new medical marijuana licensing rule will increase the application fees for protected black farmers by more than double the cost.


The city of Detroit is moving forward with plans to reopen Michigan’s only historically black college. The PENSOLE Lewis College of Business is preparing to open in March 2022.


Not waiting for the Biden administration to defend the case or find another remedy, the group filed a motion to intervene. According to a statement released Tuesday afternoon, the group sees Section 1005 of the American Rescue Plan as a viable step toward addressing “ decades of well-documented discrimination at the hands of the USDA.”


In this case, Cameron seeks to revive litigation pertaining to a law banning a procedure commonly performed in abortions occurring after 14-weeks. Passed in 2018, the law was previously declared unconstitutional in large part because it is effectively an impermissible pre-viability ban.

Paradise Square will run Pre-Broadway in Chicago, November 2 – December 5, 2021. Broadway previews will begin February 22, 2022, and tickets will be on sale through November 27, 2022, at the Barrymore Theatre in New York City.


Here are 10 things you would have without indigenous people:


Holding elected officials accountable is a part of the Democratic system. But part of the accountability process is getting the facts straight.  The current issue involving HBCU funding has to do with implementing Biden's Build Back Better Plan and the reconciliation budget process making its way through Congress.