In a recent interview with Mrs Hova went on a false modesty binge:

“I believe beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. Some people think one thing is beautiful, some think another is. When people say that I am the most beautiful or most sexy, it bothers me,” Beyonce told the pub.

Sure, it bothers her until some blogger puts her on the fakest women in R&B list. Then she’ll send the goons from Marcy looking for an apology. Beyonce, you look great, just let us sweat you in peace.

However, for those women aspiring to be like Bey she shared how she keeps her body looking so right.

“I guess my butt is natural. But I go through stages like every woman. I like being curvy but sometimes I get curvy in the wrong places. So I keep them toned by climbing steps,” she explained.

So to all of my ladies in the projects, don’t get mad when the elevator is broke. Those stair climbs will bring you one step closer to Beyonce-dom.

Oh, and her other beauty secret is that this year she celebrated her 27th birthday for the 3rd time. Go B!

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