President Trump Hosts "Made In America" Product Showcase At The White House

Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty

President Donald Trump has once again flexed his grubby little fingers to drop off some classic racism veiled as more “America First” propaganda. During a Sunday tweetstorm, the Comrade-In-Chief took aim at four progressive freshmen members of Congress, suggesting they return to the countries they came from, sparking a pair of hashtags calling out his racist barbs.

Across social media, the hashtags #TrumpIsARacist and #RacistInChief have cropped up in response to Trump’s sharp remarks. We’ll share his comments below without posting the tweets themselves.

From Twitter:

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly……

….and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how….

….it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!


We’ve collected some of the responses under the aforementioned hashtags below. Also, 2020 is around the corner. Do the right thing, America.

Photo: Getty

Twitter Fires Back At President Trump With #TrumpIsARacist & #RacistInChief Hashtags  was originally published on









