Lauryn Hill is the latest artist to add her voice to the outcry over the injustice done in Ferguson, Missouri. Whether expressing their anger on…

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In the aftermath of the Ferguson grand jury decision a number people took to the streets of the St. Louis suburb and began torching cars, looting…


Ferguson, Mo., Police Officer Darren Wilson testified before a St. Louis County grand jury that unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown looked like a “demon” during their…

The promise of equality and systemic racial subjugation.  To protect and serve and be part of a narrative that shows the exact opposite of an unsettling, painful past. The Cliff Huxtable and Bill Cosby dream. The promises made to Black America and the existing realities haven’t been quite right for centuries. November 2014 has been a […]

For a few weeks now, I and presumably other writers like me, have been asked to brace ourselves for this moment and to have our…


A top St. Louis County, Mo., administrator has raised questions about a St. Louis prosecutor’s pledge to obtain a court order to release evidence reviewed…