
If Jay-Z were to tell everyone to dress up as Batman and quack like a duck in the costume, many a follower would simultaneously channel their inner Bruce Wayne and Donald Duck. To that end, now that Jigga has realized “D.O.A. (Death of Autotune)” it should surprise no one that so many have hopped on the anti-autotune bandwagon.

However, T-Pain said he won’t stop using it, not to mention Mary J. Blige has now jumped on the trend with her new single, “The One” featuring Drake.

So what does Mary have to say about Jay’s comments?

She told Angie Martinez:

“I won’t say that it bothers me, because people do what they have to do. I can’t pass judgment. Everyone else does what they do, and everyone has their own opinion. To each his own. Do what you do, because I do what I do.”

What got her using it this late anyway?

“It was for effect. I wanted Crazy Mary to get her shine on. She couldn’t get her shine with my regular voice. I used the effect. I used it as a telephone effect or reverb.”

Can’t wait to hear what else “crazy” Mary has planned for this album.

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