It looks like all systems are a go for the planned “robot sex brothel” to hit Houston.

The brothel, operated by Toronto based business Kinky S Dolls is set to open within the next 10 days. In Canada, the dolls rent out for $120 per hour. Interestingly enough, no location or exact date has been revealed for the brothel.

“Our Love Dolls goal is to provide intense pleasure,” the website states. “We provide deep and satisfying experience both in the way we feel and move. We will allow you to fulfill all your fantasies without any limitations. We feel just like the real thing. We always fresh for you we get sanitized with Antibacterial Products after every session.”

It would be the U.S.’s first robot-sex brothel and allow patrons to rent or purchase robotic sex dolls.

Despite protests from advocacy groups who fight sex trafficking and a petition that has garnered over 6,000 signatures, some lawyers have determined that the brothel is legal.

“As disgusting as some people may find it, I think under the law, it’s legal,” Steve Shellist, a lawyer, told KTRK. “As we sit here today those types of products being sold, used or rented is legal.”

Legal analyst professor Gerald Treece told KHOU: “There’s a difference between human prostitution and artificial prostitution. And therefore, there’s no law, that I’m aware of, that prohibits this as long as it’s done to where there’s no public view of it while it’s happening.”

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Say What? Toronto Businessman To Open Robot Sex Brothel In Houston  was originally published on

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