Christopher Jordan Dorner

Source: Ted Soqui / Getty

The search for former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner in California has taken a grisly turn; this after police fired on three innocent persons and injuring two women in city of Torrance. The trigger-happy actions of cops in the large manhunt have inspired residents to fashion signs warning police not to shoot them as well according to a report from Gawker.

Los Angeles County residents hoping to avoid being the next victims of overzealous officers have taken to extreme measures to make certain police officials won’t confuse them with the burly, bald ex-Navy reservist. One muscular African-American man was photographed wearing a makeshift grey shirt emblazoned with the text “Not Chris Dorner Please Do Not Shoot.”

Even drivers of pickup trucks are in on the self-identifying act, no doubt in response to officers emptying rounds into a blue vehicle suspected to be Dorner’s. One driver affixed a cardboard sign to the back of a truck with a similar message towards eager police.

Dorner is wanted by authorities for the slaying of Keith Lawrence and Monica Quan. Quan’s father was the former LAPD police chief and a key focus of a rambling manifesto written by Dormer. Feeling wronged by his former employers, Dormer is seeking vengeance on the department after he was fired five years prior.

Check photos of the signs on the following pages.

Photo: Michelle Fields

Christopher Dorner Manhunt Causes LA Residents To Wear “Don’t Shoot” Signs & Tees [PHOTOS]  was originally published on

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