
Entertainment News – new and updated news in pop culture.

    The citizens of Ferguson, Missouri are finding themselves caught up in a scene that can only be explained as reminiscent of the sixties tonight, as a protest that was aimed at getting justice for Mike Brown, the 18-year-old boy that was allegedly gunned down and left in the streets by local police over […]

After grabbing a coffee this morning I was greeted by a 14-year-old girl in tears. This girl just so happens to be one of my most favorite people on the planet so I immediately wanted to know what was wrong. As she wiped the flowing tears from her eyes and attempted to gain control of […]


John Crawford, 22-year-old father, was shot down and killed by cops in Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio on August 5, according to the Dayton Daily News. The family is reaching out to Civil Rights organizations claiming police opened fire while Crawford was holding a toy gun standing in the toy section of the Walmart. He’s even […]

According to CBS Local in Detroit, 55-year-old Theodore Wafer was found guilty of shooting and killing 19-year-old Renisha McBride. Theodore Wafter shot Renisha McBride through his screen door when she appeared on his porch the night of November 2nd. He claimed that he was acting in self defense but McBride was unarmed and posed no […]


Dan Davis of Detroit might get our vote for father and neighbor of the year. In a time where there are so many depressing stories coming out of the Motor City, here’s a good one. Davis has turned a vacant lot in his neighborhood into a play and exercise area for kids and adults alike. It’s equipped […]


Spoiler alert: There will be tears. Have you ever considered the impact you could have on the world in three minutes? The video above shows a man going around the food court, asking people who are eating, if he could have some of their food, or if they have have extra. All of the people […]

Jay Z is no stranger to the politics game. In fact, he’s quite skilled in blurring the lines and using hip-hop as a vehicle to spread political messages. From his widely public support of President Obama to using his On The Run Tour stage Aug 3 at the Rose Bowl in California to support Proposition […]


What you see above is a map of Detroit. The small colorful dots represent people, plotted to show where they live and their race. Whites are represented by blue dots, Blacks with green dots, Asians with red and Latinos with orange. All others are represented using the color brown. Again, what you see is Detroit, but also […]


Focusing on the importance of having a substantive conversation about girls’ education in Africa Wednesday afternoon, First Lady Michelle Obama (pictured) spoke with an audience of 500 participants in President Barack Obama‘s Mandela Fellowship for Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) summit before meeting with a select group during a roundtable. RELATED: Empowering Africa’s Next Generation of Leaders […]