The Game Awards 2019 - Show

Source: JC Olivera / Getty

There were plenty of announcements made during the Game Awards last night (Dec.12). To close out the night Vin Diesel alongside his Fast & Furious co-star Michelle Rodriguez premiered the trailer for a new game based on the film franchise. Video Game Twitter wasn’t too thrilled with what they saw at all.

With production on the 10th and final movie in the ridiculously popular Fast & Furious movie franchise done, stars Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez stopped by the Game Awards. Before revealing who won the final award of the night, Game of The Year, Diesel hinted to his on-screen wife how amazing the trailer for the forthcoming film was. He also unveiled the trailer for a new game based on the popular action films, Fast & Furious: Crossroads.

The game features the cast from the film such as Tyrese, Diesel, and Rodriguez, no word on if there is a posthumous Paul Walker (we hope not) appearance. The trailer for the upcoming game, which seems to have its own original Fast & Furious story, is not getting the reception the movies usually receive.

Gamers are clowning everything down to the PlayStation 2 looking graphics and the fact they really closed the night out by revealing the game even exists. Also, who wants to play a game that features Tyrese in it?  Well, if you care, Fast & Furious: Crossroads arrives May 2020 on consoles. You can check out the trailer plus hilarious reactions to the game nobody asked for honestly below.

Photo: JC Olivera / Getty

There Is A ‘Fast & Furious’ Game Coming May 2020, Twitter Is Absolutely Clowning It  was originally published on











