The female leads for the TRON sequel have been cast, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

They report that Olivia Wilde and Beau Garrett have signed on for the film, which follows the 1982 Disney cult classic that revolved around a computer programmer getting sucked into his computer.

Olivia Wilde — most famous for playing Thirteen in House, but who is also set to appear in biblical comedy Year One — will star as a worker in the virtual world who tries to help fight the villain of the original film, the Master Control Program.

Beau Garrett, meanwhile — who you might remember from playing Frankie Reye in the Fantastic Four films — will play a “siren” in the digital world.

The news story also calls the film Tron 2.0, contradicting previous reports that the title would be either TR2N or TRZ. They also mention that director Kosinski and the studio are in the process of screen-testing for a male lead, possibly casting doubt over to what extent Jeff Bridges will be involved in the project.

The hotly-anticipated film is set to begin shooting in the spring.

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